Section: New Results


Security Automation

Participants : Rémi Badonnel [contact] , Martin Barrere, Gaëtan Hurel, Abdelkader Lahmadi, Olivier Festor.

The main research challenge addressed in this work is focused on enabling configuration security automation in dynamic networks and services.

A first part of our work in the year 2014 was centered on a strategy for remediating known vulnerabilities, formalizing the correction decision problem as a satisfiability or SAT problem [10] . From a proactive perspective, it should be able to decide which potential states could be dangerous. By specifying our vulnerability knowledge source (OVAL repository) as a propositional logical formula, we have fixed system properties that we cannot change and free those variables for which changes are available. We have introduced the X2CCDF language, built on top of XCCDF and OVAL, that allows us to express the impact of these changes over target systems. These descriptions can be used for analyzing the security impact of changes without actually changing the system. When this information is not available, we have considered the NETCONF protocol and its notion of candidate state where changes can be applied, analyzed and rolled back if necessary.

A second part of our work has been dedicated to the orchestration of security functions in the context of mobile smart environments [19] . Most of current security approaches for these environments are provided in the form of applications or packages to be directly installed on the devices themselves inducing local resource consumption. In that context, we have investigated a new approach for outsourcing mobile security functions as cloud-based services for smartphones and tablets [32] . The outsourced functions are dynamically activated, configured and orchestrated using software-defined networking and virtualization techniques. We consider the use of security compositions in order to dynamically fit the security requirements of mobile devices according to their current contexts. This approach is based on different traversal schemes (sequential, conditional, and concurrent). The solution has been prototyped based on the mininet software-defined networking emulator, jointly with mobile devices using the android operating system.

SDN-based security

Participants : Jérôme François [contact] , Lautaro Dolberg [University of Luxembourg] , Olivier Festor, Thomas Engel [University of Luxembourg] .

By decoupling the data and control plane, Software-Defined Networking allows a fine grained network management. Protocols like OpenFlow allow multiple actions like traffic forwarding or blocking but also modifications or monitoring with the extensive use of counters. Hence, many approaches have emerged the last year to enable some security functions like firewalls, flow monitoring and traffic redirection to middleboxes. These different scenarios have been evaluated in a survey paper [17] in cooperation with the university of Luxembourg.

Furthermore, we also proposed to leverage SDN, especially OpenFlow, for forensics purpose [18] . Indeed, through a recursive analysis on network path and flow tables in OpenFlow, it is possible to reconstruct the paths traversing by an anomaly.

Phishing Detection

Participants : Jérôme François [contact] , Samuel Marchal [University of Luxembourg] , Radu State [University of Luxembourg] , Thomas Engel [University of Luxembourg] .

This work is a joint work with the University of Luxembourg.

The language used for phishing is a particular language aiming at attracting victims. To achieve that the attackers uses specific words related to well known brand names and reassuring words. Our method to detect such abnormal domain names relies on word decomposition and semantic analysis. As an example, we can learn if having both microsoft and protected in domain is significative of a malicious domain. Actually, not all words can be represented during the learning and we use semantic similarities to also extend this knowledge (for example, we can derive safe from protected).

Our recent work [20] was focusing on extending this domain-based analysis to the full analysis of an url. We have also observed that most of false positives or negatives we obtained with previous methods are biased by natural language corpus while the Internet vocabulary is different.

Hence, we extracted from Google and Yahoo statistics about search queries. Our observation highlights that the relation between the different parts of the URL (the domain and the path) is a discriminative feature for malicious URL identification.

Finally, a more in-depth feature analysis is provided in [8] , which also proposes leveraging streaming data analytics by instantiating our method on Storm.

Flows and logs analysis

Participants : Jérôme François [contact] , Abdelkader Lahmadi.

Machine generated-log data is a fundamental part of information technology systems. They are usually generated at every component of distributed information systems including routers, security products, web proxies, DHCP servers, VPN servers, or any end-points like mobile devices or connected things, etc. They often contain high volumes of interesting information and are among the first data source to be analyzed for the detection of abnormal activities due to running attacks or malicious running applications. A better understanding of these attacks and malicious applications requires the elaboration of efficient and novel methods and techniques able to analyze these logs.

In [16] , we carried an empirical analysis of the logs generated by the logging system available in Android environments. The logs are mainly related to the execution of the different components of applications and services running on an Android device. We have analyzed the logs using self organizing maps where our goal is to establish behavioral fingerprints of Android applications. The developed methodology allows us the better understand Android Apps regarding their granted permissions and performed actions.

During the year 2014, we have also maintained an IETF draft [50] to make a standardization effort towards the extension of IP Flow-based monitoring with geographic information. Associating Flow information with their measurement geographic locations will enable security applications to detect anomalous activities. In the case of mobile devices, the characterization of communication patterns using only time and volume is not enough to detect unusual location-related communication patterns.

Sensor networks monitoring

Participants : Rémi Badonnel, Isabelle Chrisment, Olivier Festor, Abdelkader Lahmadi [contact] , Anthéa Mayzaud.

Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) are made of interconnected wireless devices with limited resources in terms of energy, computing and communication. The communication channels are low-bandwidth, high loss rate and volatile wireless links subject to failure over time.

This year, our work on security-oriented monitoring [28] has focused on quantifying the effects of version number manipulation attacks within RPL networks [21] . Through simulations it was discovered that control overhead can increase by up to 18 times, thereby impacting energy consumption and channel availability. This in turn can reduce the delivery ratio of packets by up to 30% and nearly double the end-to-end delay in a network. A strong correlation between the position of the attacker and the effect on the network was also observed.

In that context, we have designed a mitigation strategy based on an adaptive threshold to cover a large variety of DODAG inconsistency attacks [25] in a lightweight manner. Currently RPL attempts to counteract such attacks by using a fixed threshold. During experimentations it becomes clear that the adaptive threshold is able to reduce the control message overhead, compared to fixed threshold, by up to 13% in short lived and 55% in long-lived networks. This leads to large reductions, i.e., between 10%-40%, in energy consumption.

In addition, we have investigated a distributed passive monitoring architecture for RPL-based advanced measurement infrastructure networks.

Intrusion Detection System in Wireless Sensor

Participants : Emmanuel Nataf [contact] , Hubert Kenfack Ngankam.

This work is based on a previous work about the definition of an ontology to classify intrusion attacks in a wireless sensors network. A first implementation of this ontology focuses on the black hole and the sink hole intrusion where some malicious sensor node either do not forward data to a central point of collect or try to be elected as the best next hop toward the central point.

We look at discover malicious nodes by an analysis of the network topology obtained by data gathered from the network itself. At regular interval, we built a snapshot view of the network topology and compare it with the previous one in order to detect anomalies such as a whole sub network that disappear or an under-optimal network topology.

Simulation results are good and we will continue on this way.

SCADA systems security

Participants : Abdelkader Lahmadi [contact] , Younes Abid.

SCADA systems are facing several attacks and threats which are growing in number and complexity. A key challenge in this context is the simulation and the assessment of the impact and the propagation of these attacks on SCADA system components over time. During the year 2014, we have developed a novel methodology [38] based on stochastic modeling to simulate the impact of attacks on SCADA systems. The system is modeled as a network of interacting markov chains and the impact of an attack is simulated using the influence model. In this model, the state of each node of the system is either influence by its own Markov chain or by the state of its neighboring nodes. We have modeled and analyzed a SCADA system with 200 control nodes and several servers. We have modeled different attacks (intrusion, DoS, malware) where attack nodes are introduced in the interacting SCADA network to influence control node behaviors. For each attack, we have simulated and assessed over time the availability of the overall system regarding the number of failed nodes.

Management of HTTPS traffic

Participants : Thibault Cholez [contact] , Isabelle Chrisment, Shbair Wazen, Jérôme François.

Surveys show that websites are more and more being served over HTTPS. They highlight an increase of 48% of sites using TLS over the past year (2013),

We investigated the latest technique for HTTPS traffic filtering that is based on the Server Name Indication (SNI) field of TLS and which has been recently implemented in many firewall solutions. We show that SNI has two weaknesses, regarding (1) backward compatibility and (2) multiple services using a single certificate. We demonstrated thanks to a web browser plug-in called Escape that we designed and implemented, how these weaknesses can be practically used to bypass firewalls and monitoring systems relying on SNI. The results show positive evaluation (firewall's rules successfully bypassed) for all tested websites. This work will be published in the experience session of the IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IFIP/IEEE IM'15).

We also started a new work on the precise identification of websites accessed through HTTPS in the context of network forensic investigation. We use a new set of features in conjunction with machine learning techniques to achieve a high accuracy.